How to Delete Documents (Alpha)

Freewrite devices offer two different options when removing a draft from your device and Postbox timeline: Shred and Archive
  • Shred: Shredding a draft will permanently delete that draft from Postbox and your device. (It will also be removed from your word count.) After shredding, this document will not be recoverable by you or the Astrohaus team. Because this is irreversible, you are required to type the letters S-H-R-E-D into a prompt in order to complete the action.
  • Archive: Archiving a draft removes it from the device and out of your timeline on Postbox. But it will still be stored in your Archive Folder, which is accessible via the folder drop down menu on your Postbox drafts timeline. (It will not be removed from your word count.)

There are two places to perform the Shred and Archive functions: in Postbox, or on your device:

On Your Device

Open the document you'd like to shred or archive. Press the [special] button. Select 1 for Archive or 2 for Shred. You will be prompted to confirm either action.

In Postbox

Log in and find the draft you'd like to remove in your timeline. Hover over the draft, and options to Archive or Shred will appear. Select your chosen action, and then confirm.

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