Keyboard Shortcuts (Traveler)

Traveler was designed to have all of its controls as accessible as possible. The following list contains all the key combinations and descriptions of available Traveler controls grouped by task. 


[new] + [new]
Start a new draft. Press both new keys at the same time and release to start a new draft.
[new] + [shift]
Cycle through keyboard layouts. Hold [new] and press shift to toggle through available language keyboards. Add new layouts to your account in Postbox at
[new] + [backspace]
Delete word. Hold [new] and press [backspace] to delete the previous word.


(A), (B), and (C) Folder Buttons
Switch between folders. Press a Folder Button to open the most recent draft in that folder.
(A), (B), and (C) Folder Buttons (hold for 2 seconds)
Access the document manager. Hold a Folder Button to manage the documents in that folder.
[new] + [pg dn]
Access past drafts. Hold [new] and press [pg dn] to quickly access the past drafts saved in the folder. Press [pg dn] again while holding [new] to access older drafts and [pg up] to return to more recent drafts.
[new] +
Jump words with cursor. Hold a [new] key and use the WASD keys to move the cursor one word at a time left and right or one paragraph up and down within a draft.
[new] + [shift] +
Move cursor one character. Hold a [new] key, [shift], and use the WASD keys to move the cursor a single character left or right or one line up or down within a draft. 

Status Display:

Cycle through console screens. Press [special] to cycle through available console screens that show information such as date, time, and word count.
[space] (hold for 3 seconds)
Show the heads-up display. Hold down the space bar to show additional information such as the remaining battery and last sync time.
Login & Syncing:
(off), (on), and (new) Wifi Buttons
Manage Wi-Fi connection. Use the Wi-Fi buttons to quickly change Traveler’s Wi-Fi connection.
  • (off)–Turn off Wi-Fi radio. NOTE: Freewrite Traveler always save drafts to internal flash storage and will back up to the cloud next time it connects to Wi-Fi.
  • (on)–Allow connection to Wi-Fi networks and seamless backups to Postbox and the cloud.
  • (new)–Scan and connect to new networks.
Send draft to email. Press the [send] key to send the current draft to the email address associated with your Postbox account.
Power Button (hold 4 seconds)
Log out. Hold the power button for 4 seconds to log out of Postbox. When prompted, press [enter] to log out. Press [tab] to cancel.

Power Control:

Power Button or Open/Close Lid
Wake and Sleep Traveler. Press the Power Button to wake up Traveler or to put it to sleep. Opening Traveler will automatically wake the device and closing the lid will put it to sleep.
Right [new] + Power Button (hold 3 seconds)
Shut down Traveler. Press and hold [new] and the Power Button simultaneously to turn your Traveler fully off for long-term storage.
Power Button (hold 12 seconds)
Force restart. Hold the Power Button for 12 seconds to force Traveler to restart.